产品特点:滋养皮肤,抑菌灭螨,去除多余油脂,预防虫蚤滋生,呵护爱宠健康,毛发柔顺亮丽,对白色念珠菌进行抑菌性能测试,抑菌率高达99.97%。 Product features: nourishes the skin, inhibits bacteria and kills mites, removes oil, prevents the breeding of insects and fleas, protects the health of pets, makes the hair soft and shiny, and has been tested for antibacterial performance against Candida albicans, with an antibacterial rate of up to 99.97%. |
主要成分:Main ingredients: 山茶籽提取物、椰油酰胺丙基甜菜碱、甘油、去离子水,天然植物香精等。 Camellia seed extract, cocamidopropyl betaine, glycerin, deionized water, natural plant essence, etc.
使用方法:How to use 1、使用温水湿润宠物毛发。 2、取适量本品于毛发上轻柔按摩3-8分钟。 3、用温水冲洗干净后吹干即可。 1、Wet the pet's hair with warm water. 2、Apply an appropriate amount of this product to the hair and massage gently for 3-8 minutes. 3、Rinse with warm water and blow dry. 应用范围:Application: 适用于宠物的日常洗浴、护理。 Apply for daily bathing and care of pets. |
注意事项:Precautions: 1. 外用,置于儿童不易触及处。 2. 常温保存,避免高温或阳光直射。 1.For external use, keep out of reach of children. 2.Store at room temperature, avoid high temperature or direct sunlight. |